Monday, July 27, 2009

Like a Phoenix, Oh!

A blog by any other name? The former incarnation of this blog (the forced pun, the tired title) made no sense, nor did the several others leading up to it. The problem, without doubt, was the utter lack of a finely intertwined theme threaded throughout the varied and miscellaneous ramblings. Par for the course, I suppose, but surely some compromise could be found? If themes cannot be delicately strewn then we must aim for the coarsely woven: this is a blog about me and what I see, spread invariably over some unspecified but measurable period of time. It is.. chronoptological.

But moreso, it is a gleaming tribute to my special someone. She wanted me to get on the writing thing again (that is, writing without remuneration) and so here we are at last. This blogurrection is for you, baby.

As is customary in situations such as these, I will begin with a long time coming introduction, followed by the nuggets of change left by the furtive passing of time. In bullet form no less.
  • I've aged! Over the past 18 months or so I have become 18 months or so older, though none the wearier, and it shows! As spoken by the inimitable Michael Scott: "It's like that movie, Benjamin Buttons, but in reverse!"
  • I picked up and subsequently relinquished a rigorous exercise regimen, filled with muscles and sweat and all the rest. But it wasn't my doleful tendency towards lazing, or Newton's sensible law concerning bodies at rest that got me to quit this time. It was the knees. My knees are no good.
  • And speaking of jointly appendages, I met my bee's knees, the cat's pajamas, my one and only lomoloving ladyfriend M. You're the best (around)!
  • New apartment, newfound sense of urgency, some of the best damn Italian food in Bangkok (hush now), rugs, a renewed appreciation for tea, cameras, conjugal appliances, afternoons in second-hand bookstores, Japanese beef, and Love in a Time of Swine Flu.

Sitting under heavy covers our fevered minds drifted from each other to our fragmented dreams of what ifs and how whens. The slowly darkening sky beyond our lofty windows hung ominous and important. And we felt then that if we could only hold on to when things are large and important, when there is room for everything all at once, then perhaps we could put an end to what ifs and how whens and give each other over completely to here and now and forever. But we didn't have the eyes to see the lessons of the deep, darkening sky, nor the hearts to hold these tonic moments, and so we drifted along as we always have, as we always will, until the next time.

Random aside:

I like yellow and blue. Oh yes, I do.

Thanks Visual Search Labs!