It's no secret that I'm out of touch. Aside from that one good friend of mine in Chicago that occasionally feeds me the feel good songs of summer, I have to rely on my own hard work and research to get some semblance of a hip stylish groove on. Of course the one-stop shop for aging hipsters such as myself seems to be the always dependable and hopelessly stylized pages of Pitchfork, though prodding through their album reviews is no easy chore. I'd go into more detail, but I haven't the time or talent. Take a look though; you'll see what I mean.
The nice thing is that they have this handy 1-10 rating system (and for reasons I can't yet digest, they recently reviewed the entire Beatles canon – some solid 10s in there, which should come as no surprise to anyone) but even better are the 15 second audio clips. The writing is generally more clever than insightful, but I don't want to hate. There might be a good reason I never took notice of the Dirty Projectors and found The Knife utterly forgettable. There's not accounting for taste, and that definitely includes me.
In any event, it is thanks to Pitchfork that I'm now pleasantly ensconced in the warm, dulcet, and highly sexualized tones of The XX, and this is me sharing the love. Give 'er a listen.
I'd also like to send a shout-out to young Russell for pointing me in the direction of the Handsome Furs, playing live in Bangkok tomorrow. I am looking forward to establishing my indie cred one melancholic jangle at a time.